Are you looking for a substantial incentive to buy a specific vehicle? The news that we give you will surely please you. Which vehicles are affected by this substantial incentive? Here are all the details on this move designed by the Ministry of Economic Development to shake up a certain sector.

Especially in a similar period with heavy price increases in every area, read about bonuses and incentives it’s definitely a good thing. In fact, those who have chosen to purchase certain vehicles will be able to benefit from a substantial incentive. But is this possibility reserved for everyone? Here’s everything you need to know about it.
Since last October 19, the possibility of exploiting a substantial amount has been triggered bonus up to 4000 euros for the purchase of some specific electric vehicles. Until December 31st it will be possible to guarantee this important bonus.
But what incentive will so many people be able to take advantage of in this period? Which sector will be the protagonist of this bonus? Here’s everything you need to know about this news that will please many people.
Here is the 4000 euro bonus for the purchase of these electric vehicles: how to get it?
For some time i motorcycle and scooter dealerships have the right to access the bonuses and incentives reserved for electric vehicles. In fact, a special platform has been created by the Ministry of Economic Development. Just provide your dealer with some specific forms, in order to get a bonus up to 4,000 euros for the purchase of electric motorcycles and scooters.

There platform is called It allows dealers – upon customer request – to book incentives to buy electric motorcycles and scooters.
A good 20 million euros were allocated in October, which add up to another 35 already allocated between January and May of this year. 7.4 million euros are still available between now and the end of the year. It will therefore be necessary to hurry to be able to benefit from this substantial bonus on the purchase of electric motorcycles and scooters.

To obtain the incentives it will be mandatory to purchase a new (and not used) electric vehicle of the L1e, L2e, L3e, L4e, L5e, L6e, L7e categories. Electric motorcycles are an ideal solution for getting around chaotic city traffic, saving on fuel costs and increasingly respecting the environment.
But who can benefit from these incentives? All the people who bought a vehicle from mid-May until 31 December 2022, maintaining ownership of it for at least one year. Regardless of income, therefore, everyone is entitled to receive this bonus on the purchase of an electric two-wheeler.
To be eligible for the bonus “it is possible to obtain a 40% discount on the purchase price and up to a maximum of 4,000 euros in the event of scrapping. If, on the contrary, no vehicle is scrapped, the discount is 30% of the purchase cost up to a maximum amount of 3,000 euros”.
Practically, to take advantage of the incentive up to a maximum of 4000 euros, a scooter or motorcycle approved for 0, 1, 2 or 3 euros will have to be scrapped. As anticipated, it must have been owned for at least a year, or owned by a cohabiting family member.
Without any vehicles to scrap, the discount is reduced to 30%. In this case, the maximum value of the incentive comes up to 3000 euros.