The air conditioner in the car saves our lives, both in winter and in summer, because it allows us to keep the car warm when temperatures are low and therefore when it’s very cold and cool when it’s 40° outside the passenger compartment.

Thanks to the air conditioner we can face the journeys with much more serenity and tranquility, in the way, in comfort and in total well-being.
In the summer, therefore, we open the doors and windows to let out as much hot air as possible and then we turn on the air conditioner to quickly cool the cabin.
In winter, on the other hand, we get into the car, close everything and wait for the temperature to rise a bit thanks to the air conditioner which also defrosts the perpetually misted windows.
The mistake we all make is more serious than we think
Unfortunately we all commit a crime that we do not consider as such because we have the idea that by car, being a private vehicle, we can do whatever we want. In reality, since the car travels on the road, it is the highway code that has full control and command of the situation.
The highway code and in particular the article 7 states that parking is prohibited with the car engine running, as a result, it can be understood that when parked, the vehicle’s air conditioning system cannot be kept in operation, under penalty of an administrative fine.
Anyone who keeps the air conditioner on while the car is parked is obliged to pay a fine ranges from 223 euros to €444 in case the police should notice the infraction.

The ban on turning on the air conditioner does not apply to electric cars
The reason for this banparadoxical as it may seem, is clear and has to do with the emissions of harmful gases and fine particles that pollute the environment around us.
A stationary car pollutes for two reasons, ie the engine kept idling burns fuel inefficiently, so it emits much more harmful gases than when it is in motion.
If the vehicle is stationary e there is no wind the gases stagnate in a limited area as a result, poor livability conditions are created that are dangerous for those around you as well as for yourself because in some way the harmful gases also enter the passenger compartment.
The story is different for electric cars which, on the other hand, can keep the cooling systems on at any time, both in motion and when parked. Obviously in this case you have to be careful not to run out of battery.