When you drive any vehicle, you need to pay particular attention to infringements because the penalties will be doubled from now on.

So if you don’t want to run into overly high finesit is better to find out about the new rules and the new limits imposed by the highway code.
In November 2021 there were changes to some very specific rules, aimed at increasing everyone’s safety, as well as the quality of traffic.
So you want to avoid accidents of any kindand, from the least serious to the most serious, which can cause deaths on the road, as has been the case for several years now.
The news of the highway code entered into force in recent months
The innovations that have recently entered into force represent a real sting for all drivers, for those who commute daily to go to work or for those who work on heavy vehicles, or any other kind.
In 2022, some articles have been rewritten to ensure that the fines became even higher and more important. Unfortunately, not everyone is up to date on what happened, so it’s also increasing the risk of being caught in incorrect attitudes, involuntarily.
In this case it turns out you made a mistake, i.e. an infringement only when the fine arrives at home and takes us by surprise. There is one particular infraction that can result in a hefty fine if you don’t comply with the rules: it is a trick that can lead to bankruptcy.

Here’s what you risk those who behave in the following way
We are slowly moving towards the green transition that doesn’t just have to do with cars but also with the behavior of users outside the cars. All of us should curb certain attitudes in such a way that they don’t have long-scale repercussions.
The first behavior to adopt it is not to pollute the environment. If you throw any rubbish on the ground in or outside the car, you risk getting fines ranging from €216 to €700. This is double because previously the fine ranged from €100 up to a maximum of €433.
If, on the other hand, you throw waste from the car while you are on the move, you will be punished with fines ranging from €52 to €204, while the first fine isthe risk ranged from 26 to €52. Then there is another infraction which always has to do with incivility which can ruin any motorist.
If you get caught in the act while you park your car, without being entitled to it, on the parking spaces reserved for the disabled there is a risk of fines ranging from 80 to 328 euros for motorcycles and mopeds and from 165 to 660 for all other means.
The reduction of 4 points from the driving license is added to the fine. For the disabled, however, there will be the possibility to park on the blue lines for free if the reserved spaces are full.