Car polishing is important for all those who care about having an extremely well-maintained car and who want to keep it shiny over time in any way.

There are techniques that come, however recommended by experts which allow you to obtain excellent results at home, without necessarily having to turn to professionals who require the payment of truly excessive costs.
The first thought that there they all have in common is that car care is only that which has to do with the appearance of the mechanics, so if it’s checked and if everything works, that’s okay. In reality, taking care of the vehicle also means taking care of the bodywork, not only to make it look beautiful, but also to ensure that it is safe under any circumstances.
Why car polishing is important
Besides, what to say except that any car is beautiful when the bodywork is clean and shimmering. Polishing obviously gives a completely different effect, it gives the sensation of being in front of a new car that has just left the factory.
It also allows the exterior paint to last much longer and affects driving safety. The more scratches and lines are left on the bodywork, the more the car gets damaged, the more shiny and like new the car is, the better you can be spotted in traffic.

DIY car polishing process
In this regard, there are do-it-yourself procedures that allow, using the dedicated accessories and the right products, to polish the bodywork at almost no cost directly at home. The first thing to do is to wash the car carefully, in order to eliminate traces of dirt, smog and dust. If there should be some shallow scratches, these can be done delete directly at home with the right products and methods.
While on deep scratches there is little to do. In this case, it is best to ask a body shop for help. To carry out the polishing by hand you need clean soft microfiber cloths, a polish for the bodywork and finally a protective wax. When the car has been washed and dried, the polishing phase begins, which must not be carried out in the sun but in a shaded place, with a light hand and circular movements. In this way the Polish is spread, immediately afterwards the wax is spread which instead protects the car from atmospheric agents. Be careful because before passing the wax you must be sure that the polish has been fully absorbed.
A thin veil of wax is enough to protect the bodywork for months and prevent it from being damaged from external agents such as rain, hail etc. The same procedure is performed with the polisher.