The new snow chains divide public opinion and not only, these days there is talk of nothing but snow socks ready to definitively replace the old chains.

We all know that every car in winter and autumn must have snow chains on board, because they are devices that allow you to travel safely, which must be installed if necessary.
They absolutely cannot be missed from November 15th to April 15th 2023. Anyone who ignores the obligation to travel with thermal tires or with chains on board, on the roads where it is foreseen, risks, following checks by the police, fines ranging from €41 to €168 in built-up areas and then from €84 to €335 on motorways and main extra-urban roads or similar.
The news concerning the automotive sector and in particular the snow chains
Today we are traveling towards modernity for which the innovations touch any area and sector, even that of cars. The classic snow chains have been replaced by new chains called snow socks, which not everyone knows. These new chains are made of fabric and must be applied to the wheels much faster in a comfortable and practical way.
However, these systems apparently are not accepted by law or at least they weren’t before. We have already been talking about it for a few weeks, the Ministry of the Interior has been exposing itself on the subject for a few days and has done so through the circular of 27 October 2022. With this document, the Ministry has established that all motorists between these months, they will be able to use the new snow chains rather than the classic ones as they are in order.
All this provided that the new snow chains comply with a particular requirement or must comply with the UNI en 16662-1 2020 standard. This means that all old snow socks cannot be usedonly recently produced models are accepted and considered compliant with the law.

That’s when motorists will be able to use snow socks
The ministry has informed the central direction of the traffic police, the special departments of the state police and the public safety department so as not to fine those who, starting from the next few months, will mount the new chains rather than the old ones.
The project will now necessarily have to pass into the hands of the European Commission, this one it cannot happen before January 2, 2023, so at least until now everything remains unchanged. This means that to be in compliance, therefore respect the law and not risk getting fined, you must continue to circulate with the classic snow chains in your car.