Good and bad news for motorists with the 2023 Budget: fines do not increase, but petrol does. And the bridge over the strait…

The presentation of the new budget billthe first of the Meloni government, has arrived with interesting news that also, and perhaps above all, concern motorists.
During a press conference, the Minister of Infrastructure, Matteo Salvini, announced all the introductions envisaged in this sense.
We talk about the possible increase in fines starting from 2023, but also of what will happen to the discounts on excise duties for petrol, diesel and LPG which had been established by the Monti government to deal with the energy crisis. And, just so as not to miss anything, an important reference is made to the bridge over the strait.
So let’s go in order trying to divide by subject all the news concerning motorists with regard to the 2023 Budget.
Budget 2023: increase petrol, but not fines
Let’s start from something that will concern us directly and very closely, moreover with immediately tangible effects: the discounts on fuel excise duties.

In the next few days the new decree law presented by the Meloni executive will come into force. The publication in the Official Gazette will confirm the innovations that introduce what are defined as “urgent measures regarding excise duties and VAT on fuels“.
It is important because it is not yet clear how the intervention will be structured, but it is said that starting December 1st we shall expect a halving the discount currently applied to fuels. In order, the discount on petrol and diesel is likely to go from 0.25 per liter to 0.15, with LPG from 0.085 per KG to 0.051. For confirmation, however, we will have to wait for the definitive text of the provision.
On the one hand, therefore, we can fear an increase in fuel prices, coinciding precisely with the month of December in which many Italians will travel to reunite with relatives for the Christmas holidays. On the other hand, however, there is good news regarding fines.
Apparently indeed the feared hike from 1 January 2023 and directly linked to the effects of the increase in the rate of inflation has been completely avoided. Road penalties will “cost” as it is now, confirming the descent that took place two years ago. We still try not to take them, of course…

Finally there is another issue, although not strictly short-term: the Bridge over the Strait of Messina. The Government confirms that the company Stretto di Messina SpA, currently in liquidation, will be officially reactivated and will be responsible for restarting the construction project for the work.
What does it mean for us motorists? Not much at the moment: the Meloni government is trying to give credit to its promise to finally be able to build the bridge, which has been talked about for many years without however arriving at concrete projects. Will it really be the right time?