There is a lot of confusion and misinformation on the subject of road accidents. You are never quite informed when in reality you should be, to know how to move and what is best to do in order not to aggravate your position.

In particular, it is essential to know that in the event that one should be involved, actively or not, in a car accident, you have to call the police, out of obligation, because otherwise you risk ending up in prison and being in very serious trouble.
A process caused by a traffic accident it can last a long time, then there are details that can even extend the time. Staying out of it and avoiding this outcome is crucial.
If after the accident we arrive at the trial, the times expand, that’s why
Beyond the damage the mockery, because even when you are involved in road accidents without having done anything you can be pulled in the middle, apparently for no reason. A road accident it can in fact have various consequences, these vary according to the crime and the injuries sustained.
In the case of a street murder, the process is inexorably lengthened as soon as we proceed with the acquisition of the appraisals, with the verification of the manner of the accident. Then, if the insurance disputes the modality of the accident, or the existence of the same, it is necessary to proceed with an appraisal aimed at verifying what happened and how the accident occurred to understand the modalities and be able to trace the causes.

What happens if you go in search of other witnesses to the road accident
The judge then has to appoint an office technical consultant, which lengthens the time, and then Fr.go through listening to witnesses. If these are few, it may be necessary to go in search of further witnesses present on the spot or in the immediate vicinity. Also in this case the times are getting longer but it is necessary especially if the dynamics are unclear. Then these must be heard by the judge who must hear them one by one, obviously meet them all in different hearings.
The causes of the accident are dealt with by a judge, if the amount of the compensation does not exceed € 50,000. If, on the other hand, you exceed this figure, you have to go to court. If due to the accident a criminal trial for murder or injury is opened, the victim can be filed as a civil party and then apply for a first part of the compensation. In most cases, the civil process does not open if a civil party is requested.