Car inspection is an annual cost that all those who own cars and motorcycles must face, in order to be able to circulate safely for themselves and for others and not to risk large fines and more.

In some states, new provisions have arrived that affect certain vehicle categories, which from this year onwards they do not need to be reviewed annually.
According to the rules currently in force in our territory, the motorist is obliged to carry out the revision of the new car after 4 years from registration, after these 4 years the revision must be carried out every 2 years, as for mopeds and motorcycles. Also in this case the first revision is fixed at 4 years from enrollment e then it must be done every 2 years.
What has changed in some states regarding overhaul
There are areas that have been struggling for several years to apply changes to the legislation and are doing so through trade associations that deal with this. In France the French Motorcycle Federation has managed to obtain the abolition of the obligation of the revision starting from 2023 obviously only on motorcycles. It took years, but an excellent result was achieved.
A very similar proposal was also brought forward in Denmark where the proposal eventually became law. The new provisions are related only to two-wheeled vehicles and not to cars, who knows that later they cannot also be applied to cars on four wheels. Therefore in these areas the annual revision of the vehicle was eliminated and it was replaced with some random checks during circulation. Something similar could also happen in Italy.

What happens if you are stopped with the overdue review
For now, however, we must be very careful because in the event that you were to circulate on a vehicle that has an expired inspection, not in order, even if only for a few days, the owner take risks heavy penalties ranging up to 679 euros. Then even in the most serious cases, the fine can even reach 10,000 euros.
Should the vehicle with the expired inspection be taken to the reference inspection center, we recommend bring with if the paper reservation, to get from home to Center Revision without risking controls by the police and therefore fines or serious consequences. In general, the revision carried out in the authorized centers has a cost of around 66.88 euros. It is about € 45 which is the cost of overhaul by adding € 9.90 or the cost of VAT.