Car insurance is one of the taxes most hated by all Italian motorists, because it requires an exaggerated and exasperating expense in some cases.

That’s why many motorists today do not pay it, running the risk of heavy fines or following accidents with no small consequences.
While saving many motorists agree to take this risk, not paying both the insurance and the stamp duty, hoping to always get away with it.
Insurance, here’s what the average expense is for each vehicle
The average cost of insurance payable each year is €400 per vehicle, but in some cases it goes up to €590, mostly if additional insurance services are included, the price skyrockets.
The reason why all insurances have different prices revolves around variables such as age, experience behind the wheel, city, gender of the driver, multiple driving or more people.
Then the insurance increases if we take into account the accident rate or the accidents made by those who open the insurance over the last five years. Generally the insurance one month before the expiry of the contract sends a quote with the certificate of risk. It does this via email to make things easier and make them as fast and practical as possible.

How to behave to save money after the estimates
The sending of the estimate and the certificate has a reason: the user is given the possibility to choose whether to stay with that insurance or change to others which are not only those physically present in their own country, but also those online.
Today, insurance companies have a valid enemy, the internet. Here it is possible to insure any car at advantageous prices. In a few minutes you can have a large number of estimates in hand. Among these then you can select the most convenient ones.
What matters is the comparison of the ceilings or the maximum amount covered in the event of an accident, then you have to check the clause relating to the deductible, i.e. the compensation that weighs on the shoulders of the insured in the event of an accident.
But here we come to the point. Once the estimates have been obtained, the cheapest company is chosen and goes round the calls of all the others asking for additional discounts and explaining which other insurance companies offer better.
In this way it could happen that some of the companies give in by offering an additional discount to the initial estimate. In general, savings range from 10 to 25%, more than convenient but above all without evading taxes and without taking unnecessary risks.