Have you ever lost all the points on your car licence? Be careful, because recovering them will not be so simple.

Since it was introduced in July 2003, the points licence it has become something of a bogeyman for motorists and motorcyclists. A series of consecutive infractions, even involuntary ones, is enough to end up with the risk of losing all the points awarded.
As you know, one is awarded upon achievement license with 20 points, which increase every two years in the event that no offenses involving the reduction are committed. Getting to zero practically means literally starting over, through a procedure that is not exactly as simple as one might think.
No, you cannot go and apply for a new car licence, but you will have to work at trying to recover lost points and restore the validity of your driving licence. The process is long, but it includes concessions you may not have imagined: for example, did you know that you can continue driving even if you have lost all your points?
I have lost all the points on my car licence: what happens now?
When the deduction of all the points on the driving license is ascertained, a letter will arrive at home from the ministry inviting us, quite simply, to start the procedure for obtaining it again. Exactly, you just have to retake your exams.

At this point you have two options: contact the motorization or a partner driving school, which will give you a hand in the bureaucratic process by setting a severy 30 days from the moment you lose all your points.
This means that, during the period in question, you will not be prohibited from driving with your licence: within the 30 days you will be free to drive your car as if nothing had happenedaware however that that deadline must be absolutely respected, otherwise there will be trouble.
In the event that you fail to show up for your new driving test, the license will be suspended indefinitely and this time no, you will no longer be able to circulate by car or vehicle that requires a driving licence. Of course, the same fate awaits you if you fail the driving test.
If instead, as we hope, you pass it, you will start again as if you had just obtained your driving licence: you will get your 20 points and this time maybe try to be more careful to avoid losing them all.
In any case, if you find yourself again at zero, you can repeat the process, take another exam and start again from 20 points.

What is the exam about? Just like the first time, you’ll actually have to take two, one of theory and the other of practiceby submitting the following documentation:
- Payment of fees equal to 16.20 euros
- Provision of revision in original copy and photocopy
- Medical certificate dated no earlier than 3 months both in original and in photocopy
- Original driving license and photocopy
The application for the exam must be submitted within 30 days of the total deduction of points: the request is valid for one year but only one exam can be carried out per year. If you fail, therefore, you will have to wait a long time to try to get your license back.
The theoretical and practical exams they take place on different days: the theoretical questionnaire includes a lower number of questions than normal and focused only on the highway code. The practical exam takes place with the examiner at your side, just like the first time.
To find out how many points you have on your car licence, you can register on the website “The Motorist’s Portal” or call 848-782-782 toll free 24/7.