The car tax is one of the taxes most hated by all Italian motorists, because insurance is already paid on cars which requires a considerable sum.
Generally any driver in the world believes that the car tax is a superfluous tax, excessively expensive, useful only for the pockets of the region to which it belongs.
That’s why many users, today and for many years, do not pay it at all in the hope of not being forced by theRevenue agency to pay off the debt.
What has the Government planned to do in 2023
Unlike insurance, the car tax must be paid regardless of the use of the vehicle. If the insurance must be paid, at least for the moment, only if and when the car leaves the garage or the driveway, the car tax, being a tax on possession, must be paid regardless.
Thanks to the maneuver envisaged in 2023, however, all the €1000 tax bills already in the hands of the collection agent, ranging from 1 January 2000 to 31 December 2015, will be cancelled, therefore all debts will be canceled automatically until reaching the maximum ceiling of €1000.
As for the stamp duty folders that have not been paid from January 2016 until 30 June 2022, the situation is different. The defaulter will have the option to pay the debt with a facility that cuts interest and penalties.
Stamps from previous years they can be paid in a single solution or the amount can be divided into 18 installments, all to be paid within 5 years. The first installment will expire on 31 July 2023, if the debt were to be divided, this would be payable by 30 November 2023.
The other 16 installments can be divided into four years from 2024 to 2027 to be paid every three months. The first by 28 February, the second by 31 May, the third by 31 July, the fourth by 30 November.
Here are which motorists pay less or don’t pay the road tax
The car tax is annual, it must be paid by the last day of the month of registration. As regards the renewal, it is paid by the last day of the month after the expiry, if it falls on a Saturday or a public holiday is extended to the next working day.
If you have a vintage car you don’t pay the road tax, in some regions you pay 25 or €30 or a small road tax. As for cars over twenty years old, they are provided with discounts especially in some particular regions.
Electric cars do not have to pay road tax for 5 years, in 18 regions with the exception of Friuli and Sardinia. Finally, the exemption becomes permanent if you take advantage of law 104.