Starting next January 2023, the car tax will be the protagonist of the umpteenth sting that affects all Italian motorists.

The Italians will soon find themselves once again with their backs to the wall despite the fact that this year hasn’t been easy for any of them.
To hate the car tax are many motorists who believe that this tax is totally useless, a waste of money that can easily be avoided.
Who owns a car or a motorcycle or any other vehicle, pay taxes, insurance, fuel on it which in recent years has reached a rather high cost. This is why the payment of the car tax is considered an “extra”.
Many motorists don’t pay their car tax, that’s why
Today there are many who choose to pay only the insurance for the period in which the car is used, postponing the payment of the car tax to a later date.
While the insurance, at least for the moment, by law it must be paid only if the vehicle is used to move, the car tax must be paid regardless because it is the tax on the possession of the vehicle.
Who does not pay it over the years, he therefore commits an offense and faces unpleasant consequences that cause serious problems.
The increase in fuel prices has led many people to choose to travel by public transport and probably over the months the number of motorists will give up their independence will increase.
It will certainly happen because insurance has become quite prohibitively expensive for everyonebecause the cost of fuel is skyrocketing and then also because car tax will soon be subject to increases.

Increase in car tax, who will be involved
The increase is thought to be 12%Unfortunately it wouldn’t even be the first time. In any case, we would be talking about a local tax that would be imposed on motorcycles, motor vehicles, in short, on all vehicles registered in Italy.
The sum must be paid to the region of residence within the established time limits, with the exception of all those who will be considered exempt. The exemptions are established on the basis of the type of vehicle, to the region of residence and finally according to the category.
So, for now we know that all electric vehicles will be able to enjoy the exemption, then all LPG and methane-powered vehicles will have the possibility of reducing the tax payment, hybrid cars will be exempt in Lombardy, Lazio, Veneto, Campania and Puglia.
Historic cars will also pay reduced taxes and will be entitled the disabled and guardians are exempt.
The article Car tax, new increases are coming for these categories: check if you are one of them, it comes from Motori News.