What happens if you go against traffic on the highway? In addition to being extremely dangerous, it can cost you dearly: this is what the law provides.

Yes, we know what you’re thinking: who would enter reverse traffic on the highway? We are talking about one of the most dangerous driving maneuvers that can be done, which would put at risk not only the safety of those who committed it but also, and perhaps above all, that of others.
Like many things, it is an episode that unfortunately can happen. A moment of distraction, one misinterpreted statement of the navigator in an unknown city and for a moment you find yourself catapulted onto the motorway in the opposite direction.
In case it happens to you, the password is by don’t panic: in the most prudent way possible, the best thing to do is try to stop by trying to stay as close as possible to the side of the road, perhaps in the hard shoulder.
Putting aside the dangers they may incur in terms of physical safety, let’s talk about what the Traffic Laws in case you take the lane of the motorway from the wrong direction. Well, the fines, as you can imagine, are very high to say the least.
Contraflow on the highway: what does the Highway Code provide?
As we write this article, we realize that an update has just recently been introduced regarding driving against traffic on the motorway, with even heavier penalties than in the past.

In fact, the latest news for 2023 explains that if you take a motorway in the wrong direction, the fine that would be imposed would be really expensive: we are talking about a penalty that it starts from 2046 euros and goes up to 8186 euros if the error, let’s call it that, occurs in broad daylight.
Enter the highway in the wrong direction full nighton the other hand, in addition to significantly increasing the risk of something serious happening, it also entails a fine that many would not be able to pay: we are talking about a fine that can in fact be higher than 10,000 euros.
Yes, you read correctly: in the hope that all goes well in terms of physical safety, entering the motorway by mistake in the opposite direction can cost you even more than your car, if you drive a small car or a second-hand car.

Paying attention is therefore important, mainly to avoid damage to you and to others which can lead to even serious consequences which in episodes that have occurred in the past have also led to deaths.
And then there is the economics: in order not to have a fine delivered to your home which to define as “heavy” would be an understatement, it’s always better to double check, especially if you’re in a city you don’t know. Modern satellite navigators are very useful and accurate, sure, but if something doesn’t convince you, it’s better to trust your instincts. You never know.