Did you know that there is a road sign that many do not recognize? You too probably see it very little, but if you get it wrong you’ll get hefty fines. That’s what sign it is!

Road signs are used to enforce the rules for drivers who are driving a vehicle and must be respected to avoid accidents and heavy fines. Recognizing the most common ones is easy, but there is one that sometimes many do not even know what it is for.
You probably don’t see it too much, because in most cases it is located on extra-urban roads, but knowing its meaning is essential to ensure safety for yourself and for others. Let’s find out which sign it is and what meaning it has, but also how much are the fines if you break the rules!
What does the end prohibition sign mean?
There’s a road sign that not everyone recognizeswe’re talking about of the end of prohibition sign. They are printed on the sign two parallel gray cars, separated by a black line, and all on a white background. The sign is important because regulates a maneuver concerning road traffic.
The sign is usually placed in the place where the prohibition ends, is permanently valid and the you can also find it on extra-urban roads. Since it belongs to the category of prescription signs, it signals the end of a prohibition and it is always preceded by the no overtaking signal placed in another point.
What fines do you face if you don’t respect the cartel
Not everyone knows what this sign is, as in most cases it is seen on roads such as expressways, ring roads, expressways, state roads. In the presence of this sign you must never overtake, otherwise you risk a fine.
If overtaking is done on a continuous line the fine from 41 to 168 euros e 2 points are deducted from your driving licence, if he is on the right, the fine ranges from 80 to 308 euros and the points reduced are 5. Instead, if the overtaking is done on a bend, the fine ranges from 162 to 1,272 euros, a very salty sum!
As you can see, it is advisable to respect the signal and avoid being fined, but also losing points on your driving licence!