Fine at traffic lights? It can happen, especially if these control devices are present. Here’s what you need to pay attention to

The red lightespecially if it comes after a long sequence of “reds” that had already discouraged us, is a source of frustration when we find ourselves stuck in city traffic or are in a hurry to reach our destination.
There are therefore many who decide to take a more or less calculated risk: switch to yellow already active for examplewith the danger that the moment they arrive at the crossroads, the red and green lights go off on the other side with all the dangers of the case.
For this reason, the latest generation of traffic lights are increasingly equipped with systems designed for Immediate detection of infringements: fines, as you can imagine, are very high and can cost you several points on your driving licence. Let’s see what you need to pay special attention to.
Fine at traffic lights: the watchful eye of the T-Red, how it works
The crossings now see the increasingly present diffusion of T-Red system. We are talking about cameras that are called to “watch” over city traffic with the ability to also detect any infractions with red light in real time: those who pass even when they shouldn’t therefore have no escape and for this reason it is good to be very careful.
The rest of the camera operation is ruthless because it is capable of read the vehicle license plate and allow law enforcement officials to deliver the sanction directly to the home via the classic and traditional “green envelope”.

In addition to the camera, additionally, gods are integrated on the asphalt specific sensors positioned just before the stop line. At that point, the lens works by capturing two photographs: the first when approaching the sensors and the second when passing them.
There fine is triggered automatically and without appeal when the passage of the sensors with an active red light is detected. In short, if you are arriving at the crossroads and it is already yellow, it is better to stop, even for a simple safety issue.
How much are the fines if you go through a red light
The Highway Code, as mentioned, severely punishes this kind of infringement. We leave from 42 euros up to a maximum of 173 euros to which must be added the reduction of two points on the driving license.

It doesn’t end here: overcoming the sensors and continuing one’s march is considered an even more serious infraction which can be translated, in pecuniary terms, more than 600 euros and with an administrative fine which also provides for the reduction of 6 points on the license. And let’s add another detail: if the offense is committed at night before 7 in the morning, the amount of the fines can even triple.
An invitation therefore to respect the color of the traffic lights regardless of the presence of the T-Red system, which must in any case be signaled using a special sign placed 150 meters from the intersection.