Electric scooters have increased in recent years, if you saw very few around before, now they have practically tripled.

Slowly we learned to know them and to know all the rules for use and the rules of the highway code.
As strange or absurd as it may seem, these must absolutely always be respected, too while driving vehicles such as scooters.
Electric scooters, the results of the study
Initially who yes used to drive electric scooters, he thought he could do anything and always be safe. In reality, then using them it was understood that if certain rules are not respected, not only is one’s own life at risk, but also that of other users on the street, especially pedestrians.
The confirmation of the danger has arrived after a study carried out by the Insurance Institute for Highway which is an American non-profit organization funded by auto insurance companies.
Scholars have compared the statistics dealing with accidents caused by the use of electric scooters and bikes. Thus, it turns out that most of the accidents occurred with e-scooter riders rather than bike riders.
Electric scooters they caused 27 victims, 50 thousand visits to the emergency room during the years 2017-2018-2019. The data is quite clear and removes any doubts. Scooters are certainly useful because they allow you to save fuel and move easily without effort, but when you start driving you must always be very careful.

What are the rules to be respected in order not to risk
Use them correctly it means respecting the law and the highway code in all its facets. For example, when driving a scooter you must always wear a helmet.
Who does not not only commits a rather serious infractionbut in the event of a fall, there is a risk of serious injury, for example a skull fracture, or even loss of consciousness.
Then you risk the same way if instead of riding the cycle pathswe go around the roads, switching from one lane to another, cutting off cars, not signaling our intentions with the (now mandatory) turn signals.
In short, getting behind the wheel of an electric scooter is like driving a car or motorbike, the responsibilities and risks are always the same.
The State is encouraging the use of electric bikes, scooters and electric cars, giving economic support to those who are interested. This is the time to consider buying.