The cost of petrol and all other fuels has risen since 1 January 2023. In fact, there has been a stop on the cut in excise duties. A move that has dissatisfied a large number of Italians. In fact, fuel has returned to cost much more than in the past months. But do you know that there is a place where it is possible to pay much less than the average of other distributors? If you’re passing by, a stop is a must. Here’s everything you need to know about it.

There is no peace for millions of motorists in our country. Indeed, the Government has decided to say no to the discount on excise duties on the price of the various fuels. Diesel and petrol, as a result, are once again about 30 cents more expensive than in previous months.
2022 has been a year of fire for price increases in every sector of our lives. Not even the i-related sector has been exempt from this price hike fuels. International tension, following the outbreak of war between Russia and Ukraine, was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
A full tank of petrol today costs about 9 euros more than in the last days of December. An increase that has certainly not gone unnoticed. Moreover, some attempts at speculation have been taking place in recent days by various unscrupulous distributors in every part of Italy.
For example, if the price of diesel stands on average at the value of 1.85 euros per liter in self-service mode, it is not uncommon to come across some distributors that far exceed 2 euros per litre. This speculation on the cost of fuel is being discussed in the world of politics and beyond. The Guardia di Finanza is investigating what is happening in Italy.
But did you know that there is a place where you can get petrol for even 20 euros less than the average? Here are all the details about it.
Fuel much cheaper than the average: here’s where you need to go to get this discount
The speculation of some petrol stations on the cost of fuel is not going unnoticed. Even the Minister of Infrastructure, Matthew Salvini, had his say on this unfortunate situation: “There cannot be distributors who sell petrol at 1.70 and others at 2.40. Obviously there is someone who is being smart. I will bring the reasoning to the government level. There is certainly some speculation going on about petrol, and it is good that the Finance Department carries out some checks”.

The momentary situation in Italy, therefore, has once again become problematic as regards the cost of fuel. Nevertheless, some petrol stations guarantee good discounts and lower than average prices. Therefore, it becomes essential to inquire in advance and fill up at the most convenient pump.
If you want pay about 20 euros less than average for a full tank, in our country there is an area where it is possible to do this. Or rather, the territory is located in Italy, but to all intents and purposes it represents a foreign territory. We refer to Republic of San Marino.
Indeed, in this area fuel costs much less, as it does not have to comply with Italian laws. Fuel, therefore, costs more on average 30 cents a liter less compared to the distributors present on the real Italian territory.

Practically, in San Marino you can refuel at an average price of around 1.48 euros per litre. Slightly higher, however, the price of diesel. It settles on the figure of 1.55 euros per litre. On average, you will therefore be able to save up to 20 euros on a full tank of petrol.