There are rules that everyone is forced to respect when preparing to get behind the wheel. Those who do not respect the Highway Code risk incurring – at times – very heavy penalties. What happens if you are caught driving in a way that is not required by law? Here’s everything you need to know about the very high penalties provided.

Respect the traffic rules it is fundamental for various aspects related both to safety and to the fact of not incurring very heavy penalties. An infraction can happen to anyone, even if it’s simply due to carelessness. Often times, however, motorists make truly risky and dangerous moves. But what happens if you don’t respect a particular aspect of the Highway Code? Here’s what we’re referring to.
There are certain ways of driving that are absolutely not permitted by traffic law. One of them is, without a doubt, related to drive without the appropriate document provided. We refer to license driving. Anyone ‘caught’ without a license risks a very severe penalty.
The fine, obviously, varies according to the seriousness of the situation. In some cases, in fact, it amounts to a few tens of euros. In the worst cases, however, it can reach very high costs.

At each police checkpoint or checkpoint, the motorist is required to favor his driving license and booklet. In fact, he absolutely cannot ‘revolt’ against this request from the agents. But what happens if the motorist does not have a driving license at the time of the request? What are the penalties on a case-by-case basis? Here’s everything you need to know on this topic.
Driving without a license: here are all the penalties you risk
If at the time of the application the motorist cannot show a driving license, then the fine will be insured. In fact, it is mandatory to drive with your license always in your pocket or, in any case, inside your vehicle. The various fines are linked to the actual seriousness of the situation. Let’s analyze in detail all the specific cases related to penalties for driving without a license.

First, let’s say how any type of fine will be reduced by 30% if paid within 5 days of notification. Otherwise, it will be tripled if paid after the 60 day time limit.
If you forget your driving license at home, the fine you face is quite negligible. It is never pleasant to be stopped without the regular driving document. However, it is important to know how the penalty is just 39 euros. In addition to the payment of the fine, you will also have the obligation to go – within 24 hours – to the offices indicated by the police, so that you can show your driving licence.
Anyone caught driving their car with one driver’s license expiredyou risk a fine from 155 up to 624 euros. In addition, you will have to re-apply your driving licence. The penalty, however, increases from 1,000 to 4,000 euro if you are ‘caught’ a drive a vehicle with a non-permitted driving licence. For example, a truck with a simple car driving license. Furthermore, the suspension of the license from 4 to 8 months may occur.
If, on the other hand, you were caught driving without ever having obtained a licence, then the fine can really skyrocket. You can go from one fine of 2,257 euros up to even 9,032 euros. In the event of a serious recidivism, then, the incredible fine of 50,000 euros can also be reached.