Paying a fine within the 5-day limit allows you to receive a discount on the fine: be careful though, because then you would have to pay it in full.

That bad moment has arrived again: in the letterbox we found the registered letter that we would never like to receive and which informs us that we have been fined for a traffic offence made some time ago.
Alternatively, the fine was immediately challenged to us, caught in the act of the crime and for which we could not do anything but reconcile with the policeman. In both cases, however, there is only one certainty: in order not to pay the full penalty, it is necessary pay the bill within the 5 day limit.
In an attempt to limit the number of unpaid payments to a minimum, it was long ago decided in Italy to grant one 30% discount on the sum envisaged by the fine if the payment is made within a certain period of time, coinciding precisely in 5 days.
When does the bill start?? What date should we take into consideration to start counting the 5 days necessary to make the payment in compliance with the times in order not to pay the full fine? Let’s go see it together.
When to pay the fine within the 5-day limit to get the discount
It must be said that the decision to grant a time limit of 5 days in order to be able to pay the fine with a discount, it was evidently also taken to discourage any appeals.

We understand that this is a very short period of time in which to pay a fine, and it could cost us more to appeal than the amount of the fine discounted.
We are not talking about the rest of marginal discounts, but precisely the 30% that applies to any type of fine. This means that a parking fine it will cost us only 28 euros instead of 41, while being caught without a seat belt on will force us to pay “just” 56 euros instead of 80.
That said, be careful: we said that you need to get a discount pay the fine within 5 days. This time limit starts from the moment we receive the fine by official notification with the postman or municipal messenger. Alternatively, if we decide to pay the fine to the policeman who imposed it on the spot, we will immediately have the discounted amount.

What happens instead if you go beyond the 5 day limit? Two cases must be distinguished: the first is when the fine is paid within 60 days of receipt of the notification, the amount of which equals the minimum required for that specific infringement by the Highway Code.
If instead you go even beyond 60 days, you will have to pay the fine with the full amount foreseen for that infraction, which in some cases results in an outright bloodletting. In short, it is always better to do it in time or at the most to appeal only when you are sure that you are totally right.
The article Fines, you only have 5 days to do it: if you pass them you have no idea what’s happening comes from Motori News.