More and more thieves are not stealing the car itself, but “only” some parts of it. One of the most popular components for the bad guys is, without a doubt, the steering wheel. In fact, it can guarantee large revenues on the spare parts and second-hand market. But which car models are most at risk for the theft of steering wheels? Here we explain everything in detail.

The risk of running into unpleasant situations relating to the theft of the car or some parts of it isunfortunately, always around the corner. We can defend ourselves through insurance, alarms and blocking systems, but the criminals most experienced in the sector will often be able to evade any obstacle.
Many thieves have developed some sophisticated techniques to steal the steering wheels of some car models in a short time. The steering wheels of today’s cars are very different from those of some time ago. Indeed, this device allows you not only to drive, but also to manage the radio, the sequential gearboxes and all the main driving settings. The steering wheel is one of the main parts of the car and has a great value on the used market or in the illegal one.
But what are the most stolen steering wheels by the bad guys? If you are in possession of these car models you must pay close attention and be alert. Here’s everything you need to know about it.
Theft of steering wheels: here are the car models most at risk
The theft of the steering wheel is not an easy operation to carry out. I am more and moreindeed, criminals who “specialize” in this kind of criminal intervention. First of all, they operate in the most secluded places, so as not to arouse suspicion and without risking being seen. Furthermore, it is important that they do not compromise the smooth functioning of the steering wheel during the theft.

In fact, inadvertently cutting the cables would make the theft useless. The steering wheel is stolen to be placed on regular or illegal second-hand markets. The operation is not instantaneous and fast. It takes “expert” hands to remove the steering wheel without causing breakage of the control unit.
The stolen steering wheels are placed on the second-hand market at significantly lower prices than the average. The advice we give is to never trust suspicious users on the web. In fact, people often buy a steering wheel without knowing that it has been illegally stolen from another car.
As obvious as it is, then, there are steering wheels that are more coveted than others. Which car brands are most likely to have steering wheels stolen? Here’s what you need to know in order not to be caught unprepared.
The most stolen steering wheels are those belonging to the latest generation cars, especially sports models. In fact, these components are highly technological, sophisticated and have a considerably greater value than a steering wheel from a few years ago.
The bmw – especially the X5 and X3 – are the cars most subject to receiving this kind of theft. Other brands coveted by the bad guys are the main vehicles with license plates Audis and Mercedes.

But how do thieves steal the wheel? They have developed techniques that make it possible not to set off the car alarm, being able to connect to the control unit and encode the codes.