Did you know that you risk a €3,500 fine if you don’t have this sheet in your car? The new law provides for it, but what is it about? Let’s find out which document you must always have in your car when you start driving!

Respecting the Highway Code is essential to avoid incurring heavy fines. However, the laws are always being updated and each government establishes rules to improve public safety.
A one of the latest news concerns a sheet that you must have in the car during circulationand if it is not present, you risk being fined even heavily. The fine can even reach 3,500 euros, but let’s find out which document we must always carry in the car!
Many motorists are unaware that they are uninsured
Unfortunately, scams are the order of the day and there are many motorists who circulate without insurance coverage, and without being aware of it. Many online companies scam customers, who unsuspecting continue to drive and travel everywhere.

The risk is very high, both for the fine that can reach 3,500 euros, but there is also the risk of the suspension of the license and the seizure of the car. Article 193, precisely paragraph 1, reiterates the obligation of the insurance certificate.
The aforementioned paragraph strictly establishes the obligation to insure vehicles before putting them on the road, and in the absence of it, the fine is inevitable.
Without the insurance document heavy fines
In the event of a check, if you are caught without your insurance coverage document, the fines can be very steep. The fine ranges from 866 euros and can reach 3500 euros. Furthermore, it is also possible that the vehicle will be impounded.
The renewal of the insurance must be done within 15 days of the expiry of the previous one, a limited time limit, but just enough to activate a renewal. You have to be careful about the company you choose for car insurance, because online scams are not uncommon and you risk being discovered without knowing it.
It may also happen that the agents themselves become aware of the false insurance coverage during checks, which has happened quite often so far, precisely because of the frequent online scams against motorists. Watch out, then, and always check if the document is true!