The highway code is a set of rules that everyone, at least once in their life, has found themselves not respecting, out of distraction or in a hurry.

Maybe on your way to work, you decide not to respect the speed limitto make a dangerous maneuver to speed up the times, or to park where the no parking so as not to waste time looking for another parking space.
It also happens to overtake a particularly slow vehicle, where in reality overtaking is prohibited by the highway code. These are just some of the examples that can be given and that in some way concern us all.
Driving a vehicle requires responsibility and attention
There are some maneuvers in particular, which are prohibited, considered more than dangerous because they can cause serious accidents as a result of which deaths can occur. Before driving a vehicle, whatever it is, you need to think about how responsible and careful you need to be even one mistakethe most trivial, can endanger one’s life and the lives of others.
There is one maneuver in particular, considered dangerous and absolutely prohibited by the highway code, which unfortunately many users break for various reasons. This maneuver is put into practice when one realizes, late, to have gone the wrong way and we find ourselves in the condition of having to turn, to go back and take the right road.
If you are lucky enough to have a roundabout nearby, just go further than 10 meters to retrace the road in the opposite direction without making a mistake. If there is no roundabout, everyone thinks they’re turning around even when you really couldn’t.

This is the prohibited maneuver because it is dangerous
The maneuver we are talking about is the U-turnwith which you not only risk causing accidents, but also of get hefty fines. The U-turn hides many pitfalls, all negative and dangerous, so you have to be very careful where you do it and obviously how.
The highway code indicates where you can maneuver and where, on the other hand, the reversal maneuver is prohibited. If you start the U-turn maneuver at the wrong point on the road, thinking you have enough time to turn the car around without causing an accident, you risk getting a fine ranging from 84 to €335.
This reversal maneuver is prohibited near intersections, bumps and curves, but it is also punishable on roads where there is a continuous line on the asphalt. Therefore, before proceeding, it is necessary to check that the line is dotted and that there is nobody in the opposite lane. Obviously it is never allowed on the motorway, the same thing in tunnels or on any normal road, in conditions of poor visibility, for example when there is fog.
The article of the Highway Code is one of the most dangerous maneuvers ever: the fine reaches up to €8000 comes from Motori News.