Doing this action can cost you dearly: the toll fine is practically certain, here’s what you should absolutely avoid

There is a dream that all motorists share: to get to highway toll booth, see the barrier go up and not fork over a dime. Of course, it could be said that it is an emotion that anyone equipped with a Telepass device feels, even if in that case the bill to be paid then arrives in the following quarter.
It happens from time to time to find some motorway stations in which, for one reason or another, there is not even a barrier. In its place there is only a red light that invites you to stop if you don’t have a Telepass, the column is ready to provide us with our ticket and then we can leave again.
It goes without saying that seeing a toll booth without barrier it can push the smartest ones to try, pass anyway and hope to get away with it. Of course, it doesn’t work like this: failure to pay the motorway toll is very expensive and can even lead to more serious penalties if a particular action is committed.
Fine at the toll booth and more: because not paying the toll is a huge risk
Let’s talk about a habit that some drivers have that they hope to take advantage of the Telepass of another machine following it in order to pass freely using the victim’s device.

In this way, however, one is implemented double scam: the first is to the detriment of the motorways, given that you end up not paying what is owed, the second instead directly affects the honest motorist equipped with a telepass, who, despite himself, becomes the means by which the crafty man managed to pass the toll booth.
Another very frequent action is to pretend to be destitute and explain to the toll collector that you cannot pay the toll at the moment. He will then provide the driver with a document, defined as “Non-payment report“, which allows you to comply without penalties within 15 days.
In case you don’t pay even after two weeks, however, the fines arrive on time: it starts from 85 euros up to a maximum of 338 euros to which to add the deduction of two points on the driving license and of course the cost of the unpaid toll.

Things get more serious, as mentioned, if you try to switch to Telepass by exploiting the wake and device of another machine traveling in its immediate vicinity. A situation that represents a double scam, but also a possible danger given the extreme proximity that must be maintained with the other car to succeed in the trick.
Here the fine can easily exceed 500 euros: but be careful, because you can also expire in the penalty with the risk of even two years in prison. In short, better to pay.