It can happen that you leave your car parked for a few minutes and then suddenly find it with a flat tire.

Certainly not a nice surpriseyou panic, you really have no idea what is right to do and what is better to avoid.
Especially if you are not familiar, you think of asking a passerby for help or calling a professional at the cost of spending a lot of money.
If, on the other hand, you should be able to replace the rubber, you roll up your sleeves and do it to save both time and money. As convenient as it may be, today we must also be careful of this. The best choice you can make is to call the Carabinieri.
Flat tire, here’s what could have happened
A flat tire is often not a setback or an inconvenience, but a real trick used by crafty people who want to burglarize the car that they have staked, while the owner proceeds to change the tire.
Over the past few months car thefts have increased everywhere, both in the city and in car parks outside the city, as well as on the motorway at Autogrills. Thieves puncture the tire because they want to take possession of the objects found inside the vehicle.
They do just as the owner is quite far away not to realize what is happening. So when he returns and realizes the flat tire, he replaces or repairs it, perhaps leaving the windows open, the door, or the trunk wide open for reasons of practicality.
At that moment who waits to get into action, has all the time and opportunity to do it inconspicuously, so take everything away. Although there are so many security checks, the smartest thieves, especially the expert ones, manage to do what they want when they want.

In Milan, the punctured tire trick works
The punctured tire trick is one of the most used by criminals because especially in large cities such as Milan, it is very simple to implement. In fact, in Milan in the recent period two Algerians with precedents were arrestedwho were doing just that trick.
Once discovered by the police, they were arrested. The two had cut the tire of the car, while the owner was intent on changing it, them they had burgled it, taking away a trolley and a computer.
The trick succeeds well because thieves know that changing a tire is a real hassle for everyone, which involves discomfort, anxiety, worry, anger and agitation that do not allow you to think about what you are doing and what is happening around you.