Parking in double row is prohibited by the highway code. In addition to fines and vehicle seizures, there is also the risk of serious criminal consequences.

Parking and double-parking is illegal but widely practiced, especially in large congested cities where it can be difficult to find parking. One might think that staying in the second row for a few minutes wouldn’t hurt anyone, but that’s not the case. The consequences can be very serious.
In addition to traffic offenses and related fines, motorists who leave their vehicle in two lanes can cause significant damage to third parties and, in the worst case, cause a traffic accident.
What you risk for a double-parking
Double-parking is a very dangerous practice and therefore expressly prohibited by the Highway Code. The reference article is article 158, where the legislator establishes administrative fines for double parking from 41 to 169 euros for cars And from 24 to 97 euros for mopeds and motorcycles.

The police can also order the forced removal of vehicles if double-parking interferes with the passage of other vehicles. However, in addition to civil penalties, there can be serious criminal consequences.
The consequences can be serious
In addition to traffic violations, double parking a car can have far more serious consequences than a simple fine. This is because it could cause serious and unforeseen damage. For example, we report several probable, rare, but not impossible hypotheses.
Anyone who stops in a double row can be convicted of kidnapping if your car prevents others from going out for too long. Anyone who obstructs the circulation of a car, motor vehicle, bicycle or pedestrian by parking in a double row commits private violence. The worst possible outcome is when a double-park causes an accident in which people could be seriously or very seriously injured, or worse, die.
Exceptions to the ban
There are exceptions to the double-parking ban. For the identification of such cases, reference is made to the penal code, in particular to thearticle 54.

The law draws up a list of situations in which the prohibition is excluded, but it is contained in establishing that the violation is considered not committed when it is necessary for a higher purpose, i.e. saving the lives of others or one’s own.
Simply put, the double row parking is permitted when: a dangerous situation which cannot be avoided in any other way.
Let’s take an example: if a pregnant woman is about to give birth by car, the driver will have to stop as soon as possible, and if there are no free parking spaces or stops, she can also stop in double queue. In case the Police enforce a fine, the driver will be able to appeal and not pay the fine accordingly.