The inflation and high rates that we have all suddenly been faced with since the beginning of the year have already had serious consequences in all sectors, including on the road.

Motorists today as a result of inflation they incur high costs for everything.
Not surprisingly many familiesand they find themselves in trouble because they can’t make it to the end of the month peacefully. There is someone who today prefers not to use the car for travel, even for work reasons, to at least save on fuel.
Inflation puts all consumers with their backs against the wall, Baldelli denounces
But it didn’t end there because always because of inflation, now a new alarm is about to arrive which could have positive but above all negative feedback. Traffic fines will increase from January 2023.
Consequently we are all led to think that motorists will have to be careful to respect all the rules of the highway code. But that may not be the case.
Who won’t will have to deal with sanctions of truly exaggerated cost. The complaint was already made by Simone Baldelli, president of the parliamentary consumer inquiry commission.
The President declares that article 195, states that administrative sanctions should be reviewed every two years to ensure that prices go hand in hand with the situations ascertained by Istat.
Consequentially, considering the historical period it is not possible that now the fines will increase. The government should intervene to curb them before it’s too late The situation passes into the hands of the Minister of Justice who should fix the limits by 1 December.

By how much the sanctions in Italy will increase, here are some infractions
The price increase should be 11% a bit for all the sanctions. As for the parking fine, today you pay €42, in January you should pay 46. Those who drive with a mobile phone instead, if they used to pay €165, will now pay 183 euros. Who despite the banaccess the ZTL today pay €83, but from January it will pay 92.
On the other hand, those who exceed the speed limits starting from 60 km per hour, now have to pay €845, later they will have to pay 938. In Italy, all municipalities collect at least 3 billion euros with fines, money that could be used to cover the holes and to fix the roads, making them safer.
Unfortunately, however, this does not happen. Fines rise as a result of inflation, motorists face difficulties, the situation is totally out of control and nobody does anything. This is the alarm that worries all consumers.