In these days a disastrous obligation has started for motorists, which will probably cause a massacre, because all those who drive will have to be careful to behave in a certain way after 6 pm.

All this unless want to bring home significant fines and burdensome especially in such a difficult economic period as the one we are facing.
All cars have some elements that must always be used in compliance with the rules and conscientiously to ensure orderly, correct, polite and safe road traffic both for themselves and for all other motorists.
After 18 you risk fines, if motorists forget to..
The importance of keeping your car tidy, properly serviced and overhauled is out of the question. All motorists know that cars must be insured, inspected and serviced in compliance with the established deadlines and that their own documents and those of the vehicle must always be at hand.
any deficiencies, they can be the cause of unpleasant and impactful fines. There is one rule in particular that not all motorists take into consideration, this has to do with car lights that must be turned on at 6pm.
This is what the regulation says and it was established both for one’s own safety and for that of the passengers or for all the others circulating on the streets. In some time slots, daytime, you don’t have to keep the lights on because you have full visibility thanks to the sunlight.
In the late afternoon, when the sun starts to set, you risk not being visible by other vehicles, so turning on the lights becomes mandatory. According to the new provisions, the lights of cars and all other vehicles, must be turned on starting at 18 every day.

Motorists obliged to control vehicles
Consequentially drivers are obliged to check that the lighting system is always functional and complete. Those who do not comply with the turning on of the lights at the established time go against an article, namely article 152 of the highway code.
So risk getting a fine ranging from €42 to €173, de facto falling under administrative offences. To conclude, we must also pay attention to the license plate lights which we often forget thinking they are not very important or assuming that they work.
In reality they are fundamental components, so in the event of a malfunction or broken lights, you risk getting fined.