In the past few hours, a new strike by petrol stations throughout Italy has been announced, news that has worried all motorists who are already doing everything possible not to run out of fuel.

Despite the high prices, those who need a car or motorbike to get around to go to work or for study reasons are going to service stations to be able to cope with refueling disruptions in the coming weeks.
Unfortunately they will be many and will last several days. There are those who, due to the increase in fuel costs, have chosen to give up the use of cars or motorcycles and those who just cannot do without them for reasons of time or convenience.
This segment of the population already crashed gas stations to prevent huge foreseeable inconveniences.
What will happen in December and what Italian consumers risk
Since the beginning of December, the increase in gasoline and diesel recorded is 12.2 cents per liter. Excise duties on petrol will rise from 47.84 to 57.84 cents per litre. As far as diesel is concerned, however, the increase goes from 36.74 to 46.74. Finally, for LPG, the figure goes from 18.26 to 26.67.
Gasoline, mode served, according to the first statistics it will reach 1.923, while diesel will go beyond €2. So by making some quick calculations, a full tank of petrol or diesel could cost up to 6.1 euros more.
This is an important burden for all Italian families, who will inevitably have to face this situation as well.

Closed supplies for 72 hours, here’s when it will happen and why
The gas stations are ready, are already on a war footing, so they have announced a 72-hour stop that will affect the service stations that join the strike. For 72 hours those petrol pumps will remain closed and will not dispense fuel.
All the women are joining the strike associations of motorway operators closing from 10pm on Tuesday 13 December until 10pm on Friday 16 December.
The reason is not related to the halving of the fuel discount, but to the degradation in which supplies are forced to work and scarce services made available to consumers.
Therefore, we are not talking only about petrol stations, but also related refreshment points. The reason for the strike has not only to do with the costs but with the inhumane working conditions.