Every day we hear news of new devices on the roads of our country. They are able to monitor the transit situation of thousands and thousands of motorists. The risk of running into a large number of traffic penalties is always around the corner. But which new device has alerted so many Italians? Here are the details on this particular affair.

Every time you get behind the wheel of your car, it’s essential comply with all the rules in the Highway Code. In fact, even the most careful user can come across heavy penalties. If you don’t want to shell out hundreds and hundreds of euros, you can’t do anything but respect all road rules, especially in the presence of some devices.
When we talk about electronic devices and the fines associated with them, our thoughts immediately turn to speed cameras. They represent a real nightmare for millions of motorists in our country. In fact, they are able to record the speed of each passing car on a certain stretch of road, taking photographs of the license plates.
Anyone who exceeds the speed limit has no escape. Indeed, he will receive a notification at home and will not be able to do anything but pay the fine, provided that the device is duly approved and that all the required standards have been complied with. The speed camera, in fact, must be clearly visible to motorists, who must also be informed in advance – through special road signs – of its presence.

But which new speed camera device is causing havoc in a specific area of our country? Here’s everything you need to know about the staggering number of motorists fined by the device.
The device that puts “fear” to Italian motorists: here are all the details about it
Speed cameras can be of various types. Some of them can also be placed on the roadside. Not all of them are active and regularly functioning 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Some devices, in fact, can be positioned only to dissuade and “fear” passing motorists. But which new speed camera has fined a huge number of cars in transit? Here are all the details about it.

The fines for speed cameras can be from a few tens of euros, up to several thousand euros and the suspension of the license for up to a year. Much depends on how much the speed limits have been exceeded in that particular section.
The new speed camera device to have caused chaos on Italian roads is the one located in the municipality of Towers of Benacoin the province of Verona, and precisely in fraction of Pai. Between August and September, in fact, it was the protagonist for a long time 4 thousand and 400 times. This is the staggering number of motorists fined for speeding on that stretch.
The speed camera was placed in the city center. The limits, therefore, are of 50 km/h. Despite this, motorists put their foot down, as it is a straight road with a view of Lake Garda. Many motorists do not notice the signs and speed cameras and do not slow down, running into heavy fines.
A motorist was even “caught” driving at the incredible speed of 125 km/h. He was fined a fine 3 thousand and 382 euros, in addition to the suspension of the license for one year.
The many reports from citizens about the crazy speeds reached on this road prompted the municipal administration to install this new device. The many fines have made the speed problem even more evident on that particular stretch of road.
We can only reiterate the concept of respect the speed limits and all the rules in the Highway Code. Road safety, in fact, is essential, in order to avoid the succession of accidents and problems of all kinds.
The article New device on the roads, look up: if you see it you have to worry comes from Motori News.