Paid parking is that something that annoys anyone because you can’t do without it and it’s often the only solution to refer to, especially now as there are no more free parking spaces in the city.

Over the years, free stalls have become practically unobtainable. They are less and less while the cars in circulation have doubled.
The cost of paid stalls is negligible, but those who need them for whole days have to face very high costs that not everyone can afford.
Refundable paid parking the news about it
The news that follows can change the lives of many people. Paid parking is refundable, though not always. Here’s what you have to do and what you can get back. Let’s take the example of a lawyer who must reach the court to assist the client.
In order to carry out his work, the lawyer must move and therefore pay the parking fee if there is no free space in the court area. In this case is the parking refundable? Depends.
Parking can only be reimbursed if the manager of the parking area promises safekeeping of the vehicle and in reality does not take care of it at all. Should the owner find the car damaged, he can exercise the right to request a full refund of the ticket.
For which you are entitled toticket refund only if the car park is guarded but guarding is actually guaranteed only on the written sign.
However, as regards a free, unattended parking area, this does not entail any obligation to custody of parked vehicles, especially in the absence of the appropriate sign. Therefore you are not entitled to refunds of any kind for any problem.

How to request and when to request a refund of paid parking passes
We now move on to the subject of subscriptions. Those who have an active subscription to a guarded or unguarded car park, if they do not use it on expiry, can do very little because the actual use of the service is not a valid condition of the agreement.
Consequently, the motorist who buys a season ticket and then does not use it cannot ask for a refund except when the contractual conditions provide for it. The tax is refundable only if and when the missed stop is caused by something that is not attributable to the motorist.
For example if it should be due to renovation works that prevent entry to the car park. The motorist who paid for the subscription may request reimbursement for unused hours or parking spaces.