The license plate is one of the fundamental components of any vehicle, because it allows you to recognize the vehicle, to carry out any searches, to understand if it is in order or not.

The laws that have to do with carschange from day to day, in particular the rules concerning foreign license plates of people who have residence in Italy undergo continuous changes.
The European law which was amended on 21 December 2021 refers to article 93 and extended the period of residence necessary for the modification of the foreign license plate. Here’s what has changed.
Italian or foreign license plate, here’s what changes and what you need to do to be in order
According to the new law, Sti have three months to register the vehicle with the Italian license plate. Obviously it’s not just about cars but also all other vehicles, therefore motor vehicles and trailers that have been registered abroad and driven by residents in Italy.
many cunning, to avoid PRA registration fees, in order not to pay the stamp of ownership as well as the insurance, they circulate with the foreign license plate hoping to get away with it. Once upon a time they could easily do it.
Today, being that due to the crisis, many, indeed too many, do it, even with luxury cars or with rental cars, you can hardly hide. The phenomenon is expanding more and more every year, so the controls are also increasing.

It’s raining fines, that’s what the numbers are
Especially over the last few years fines have begun to pile up to try to stop a situation out of control. Now, it is hoped that offenders understand the lesson and accept the fact that being in good standing always pays off.
Those who do not regularize the license plate of the car, motorbike or trailer and therefore do not register the vehicle with Italian license plate on time, i.e. within three months, they risk having to pay fines ranging from 712 to €3558.
Vehicles registered abroad, hidden from the tax authorities so as not to pay fines and insurance costs, today have a short life. Those who do not have a vehicle in order must rush to do so in order not to have to pay large fines following checks.