For several months now, the problem that all motorists have been facing at least once a week has to do with the high price of petrol, which has reached exorbitant figures.

Following the increases, many families have decided not to use cars to get around, reducing expenses to those that are really useful and indispensable.
Who has to move for work or for study reasons he’s doing it via public transport, even if the service isn’t fully reliable or affordable.
Inevitably give up their independence. The period of recession has irremediably led us to a progressive impoverishment, the social and economic conditions have worsened more and more, in fact many Italian families are unable to make ends meet.
The petrol bonus is coming, that’s where
French Prime Minister of the Alps, has given good hope in this regard to millions of drivers who have to do with the petrol bonus. A very interesting bonus that it could solve various problems for those who have to travel in their own cars.
In Italy, the end of the discounts on excise duties established by the Meloni government has recently arrived, introduced at the beginning of 2022 to meet the needs of millions of people in crisis. At the moment the discount that the Italian people enjoy for both diesel and petrol is only €0.18 cents per litre.

How much is the petrol bonus, who will be able to use it and how
From January onwards things could change in France, because there will be a bonus for refueling aimed at citizens in need, which now rise to 10 million. The petrol bonus will be one-off, to obtain it you will need to belong to the first five income brackets established by the government.
Each driver will receive €100 or a 10% discount on the cost of fuel for a journey of 12,000 km per year. Citizens will be able to apply through self-certification, through the French Revenue Agency.
You will have to provide tax code and car number plate e obviously the IBAN on which the €100 bonus for petrol will be loaded. Both members of households who have registered cars can use it up to a maximum of €200. The investment for the French state was one billion euros.
Now it is expected and hoped that in the meantime the project will enlighten the Italian Government to try to apply the same solution in our territory as well.