The petrol bonus comes to the rescue of Italian motorists who in recent months have even chosen not to use the car, so as not to consume petrol and therefore not to spend too much money on fuel every week.

To date, filling up a car is the most expensive thing, no one could have ever imagined getting to this point yet here we are at the point.
As strange as it may seem, there are many motorists who prefer to travel on public transport in order not to spend money on petrol, despite being aware of the fact which are not always reliable.
Illegal methods to not give up the car
Speaking of which, those who do not want to give up have rightly found some illegal tricks that allow you to get petrol without spending a cent. Recently there was talk of a man who after years of jumping on the gas pump he was stopped and fined by the police.
The man in question stole liters of fuel for his car and for the vehicles he had at home for years. Then his behavior made an agent suspicious, who realized what he was doing.
Drop by drop succeeded to damage the petrol pumps bringing at least €500 worth of fuel with them. He took advantage of those who refueled before him then dripped the pump to recover the fuel left in the circulation. A system that actually works but which carries with it very serious risks.

Here’s how to save petrol and money, the petrol bonus helps those in difficulty
In reality, you need to know that to save petrol no one has to give up using the car to get around, nor should he choose lawlessness. Rather, but you should implement tricks while driving, which allow you to spend the right amount on fuel and make it last for weeks without waste.
The correct method is to use the gears when needed, without shifting continuously and uselessly, without putting the car under strain, accelerating or braking abruptly. Beyond this came the €200 petrol bonus ready to help those in need.
This bonus has been designed for workers, it does not contribute to the formation of income so it is totally tax-free money. The measure is intended exclusively for employees of private companies. No questions are to be asked.
Therefore, it is the company that decides whether or not to grant state aid to employees. In addition to the petrol bonus reserved for businesses, there is also a €0.25 reduction in the price of both petrol and diesel.
For now we are talking about petrol bonuses paid exclusively in 2022, then it is not known whether in 2023 the government will give the same possibility of receiving aid to those in need.