Are there days when it’s cheaper to get petrol? Let’s analyze some situations, trying to understand how to save money

At a time when i fuel prices are destined to go up again, it is clear that many of us are looking for the best tricks to try to save something on the tank during refuelling.
Unfortunately sometimes there is very little to do and you have to accept the prices that we find at the distributor: of course, to spend a little less you could opt for the so-called “white pumps“, which are mainly found in some cities or on provincial roads, as well as adopting a more prudent and moderate driving style which allows us not to waste all the fuel at our disposal immediately.
They chase each other on the internet more or less valid advice and suggestions to understand how to ensure that the price of the next full tank weighs a little less on the wallet: some advice even borders on illegality, while for others you can even reason.
We are talking in the case of who would spot the best days to refuel: those moments of the week in which it is really possible to save something by running on petrol. Does it really work or just an urban legend? Let’s find out together what it is.
Does getting petrol on this day really save you anything?
According to the theory spread by a user on the internet, and all based on his personal experience and therefore to be taken with a grain of salt, the Saturday and Sunday are basically the two worst days of the week where to refuel.

This is because, in this case as well as during holidays or close to long weekends and possible holiday periods, fuel managers tend to take advantage of the moment with users who need to fill up with petrol for the following week or, even more simply, to a trip out of town on the incoming weekend.
At this point it is perhaps best to focus on middle weekdaysprecisely on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. The surge, albeit slight, in prices seems to take place immediately after the weekend, on Monday, and just before it starts, on Friday afternoon.
Honestly, since this is a purely personal evaluation of this user, albeit based on his experience, we cannot assume that this is really the case.
Of course, reasoning from a logical point of view it could also be therebut to be sure we invite you to take a look at how the fuel prices go up or down at the gas station you use most often.

Maybe that’s how it really works and the best thing is to fill up on the central days of the week rather than waiting for the end or the beginning of the weekend. After all, in these cases, the personal empirical evaluation to save something is always the best.