The pink sheet was once essential to be able to start driving and to reduce the need for guides with an instructor, saving significant sums.

Once you only needed to be in possession of the pink sheet, today things have changed.
There are limitations and important rules that everyone must know in order to respect the highway code Don’t risk getting hefty fines.
Here’s what has changed, what has happened since the acquisition of the pink sheet
First of all you have the obligation to exhibit the P as a beginner, with the minimum age of 17 years. Then you need to have a person next to you who has had a driving license for at least 10 years and who do not exceed 65 years of age.
Once you could drive with an elderly person by your side, now as a matter of reflexes and safety, a maximum age has been set.
To obtain the pink slip, you must pass the exam and present a photocopy of your identity card and tax code, a photocopy of any other driving licenses such as a driving licence, medical certificate and photocopy of any residence permit.
Then those who have the pink sheet can drive on the road respecting the speed limits or 90 km per hour for the main extra-urban roads and 100 km per hour on the motorway.
Then if you have the pink paper you can take passengers with you, the important thing is that you don’t go on the motorway that you don’t take a suburban road or that you don’t circulate at night starting from half an hour after sunset.

Fines that are risked in case of inappropriate driving of vehicles
In the event that a pink slip is issued to a young person who has completed 17 years of age, this can only circulate if you are accompanied by a person who has held a B driving license for 10 years who is no more than 60 years old.
In this case, the GA mark must be displayed on a yellow retro-reflecting background and comply with all the regulations. What you shouldn’t do is underestimate the rules imposed by the highway code because otherwise you risk substantial fines.
For example, if the P or the assisted driving permit, you risk getting fines ranging from €84 to €335. If you drive with a companion next to you but you don’t have a pink slip, you run the risk of getting fines from €419 to €1,682, the same thing if you have a pink slip but you don’t have a person next to you with a guide expert.