Sanctions for road accidents, fines of up to €1,400: if it’s your fault, be prepared to pay dearly

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The Highway Code provides for specific penalties for those who cause road accidents. The fines vary according to the particular case and the offense committed. Let’s find out everything and what you need to avoid in order not to run into traffic penalties, without jeopardizing road safety.

Accident – ​​

Road accidents in our country are one of the scourges that most afflict everyday life. Some of them – in the most serious cases – even cause the death of some people. In 2021 alone, in fact, 2875 people died in Italy due to road accidents. But what must be respected to limit accidents as much as possible? What are the penalties for those who cause such events?

First, let’s start by stating what it provides Article 140 of the Highway Code. This is what you can read: “Road users must behave in such a way as not to constitute a danger or hindrance to traffic and in such a way that road safety is in any case safeguarded. The individual conducts, in addition to what is already provided for in the previous titles, are established by the following rules “.

The rule just stated does not provide for any sanctions, but warns the road user about the behavior to follow and on the obligations to be respected and not to be transgressed, so as not to jeopardize everyone’s road safety.

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This general article of the Highway Code, inherent to the fact of “do not constitute a danger or hindrance to traffic”, underlies all the rules that road users have to comply with regarding other factors. We refer to compliance with speed limitsto the do not make risky overtakings, but only when it is possible to do them, al give way at intersections and many other aspects. And what about sanctions?

Penalties for road accidents, that’s all you need to know!

In the specific case of an accident caused by having violated the speed limits, the extent to which the aforementioned limits have been exceeded will be taken into account when applying the sanctions. Sanctions can go from 41 euros to 1104 euros, based on the revealed speed and the time of day. In fact, if the accident occurs at night – between 10.01 pm and 6.59 am – the fines are increased by about a third compared to daytime hours.

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Traffic accident fines - Motori.News
Traffic accident penalties: here’s all you need to know about the risks you run – Motori.News

In the most serious case (exceeding the speed limit by more than 60 km/h), the penalty is also that of withdrawing the license for up to one year and subtracting 10 points from it. Anyone who causes an accident due to failure to comply with precedence risks fines ranging from 163 euros to 651 euros.

These are just a few examples of all the various penalties that apply in the event of a traffic accident. It is essential to say how the higher monetary fine is foreseen if the accident causes serious injuries (at least 40 days of prognosis) to other people were involved in the accident. In this case, in fact, the penalties can even reach i 1400 euros.

Accident fine - Motori.News
Sanctions for road accident – ​​Motori.News

In the case of homicide resulting from a violation of the rules in the Highway Code, the penalty is reached and the user can risk up to seven years in prison. Penal consequences will also arise in the event of a road accident caused by the use of alcohol, drugs or other illicit substances.

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The article Sanctions for road accidents, fines of up to €1400: if it’s your fault, get ready to pay dearly comes from Motori News.