Caution to the latest scam on the highway, this is carried out when those on the road need to stop and choose to do it right inside the motorway restaurants.

These places are generally considered safe, since there are cameras that keep everything under control 24 hours a day also frequent the comings and goings of people.
In reality this is not always the case, which is why we should always pay a lot of attention to anything without underestimating any aspect.
Beware of the scam on the motorway at the Autogrill
Autogrill in Italy works very well and is considered a point of reference for all travelers, because it allows you to make a long or short stop, using various types of services, those of basic necessity, health, services dedicated to catering. Autogrills are generally very varied even if the prices are highhowever, remain very popular.
Anyone passing in front of the Autogrill stops, to eat or in general to refresh themselves, but perhaps someone from this moment on will avoid doing it, that’s why. In the last period, several reports have arrived to the authorities, according to which some users have fallen into real and scammers’ own traps who are not at all naive, but who have even refined an effective technique over time, achieving excellent results.

Here’s how the scammers act and how they implement the scam on the highway
The crooks exploit the moment the driver parks the car in the rest area and walks away. During this time, the thugs deflate the wheels, so when the owner returns, they offer to help, stealing the valuables that are present in the hood or inside the cabin.
When they find something interesting, they advise the car owner to ask for help inside the Autogrill so that they can get away without leaving any trace. The same pattern is also followed in the vicinity of supermarkets, not inside private car parks but outside, the period of time in which the owner goes away to do the shopping is exploited in the shop, losing sight of the vehicle. In general, even in this case the criminals manage to bring home interesting loot.
To avoid falling into the trap of the scam on the highway it is better not to accept help from strangers, in any case and in any condition, calling first of all those in duty. If it should be necessary to get away from the vehicle it is better to close the car carefully, always keeping an eye on it because whoever wants to, especially if he has spotted something particular, he can act at any time and in any way without fear and obstacles of any kind.