Stamp, the exemption is triggered: you are no longer forced to pay it

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Stamp duty is something that every owner of a motor vehicle is required to pay on an annual basis. Therefore, one cannot avoid this payment in order to be able to drive on the road. Regardless of whether the vehicle is used or not, the fee will always have to be paid. But which categories of vehicles and people will be exempt from paying the road tax next year? Here’s everything you need to know on this topic.

Stamp, the exemption is triggered
Stamp, the is triggered

Payment of stamp it is one of the moves that creates the greatest annoyance for owners of motorized vehicles. This property tax is often judged to be too expensive. Despite this, everyone is required to pay it every year. To be in order, therefore, one can never be exempt from payment. All of this, of course, if you don’t fit into some of them special categories, which can benefit from a total exemption on the payment of the tax.

All vehicles registered in the PRA (Public Automobile Register) must be in compliance with this payment of a regional nature. Therefore, we are not referring only to cars, but also to all duly registered motorcycles. The motorbike vignette is considerably less expensive than that relating to four-wheel motorized vehicles.

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If the motorcycle power does not exceed 11 kW or 15 HP, then the motorcycle tax will have a fixed cost. It will be established by this simple tax schedule:

  • 26.00 euros for motorcycles Euros 0;
  • 23.00 euros for motorcycles Euros 1;
  • 21.00 euros for motorcycles Euros 2;
  • 19.11 euros for all other bikes.

For motorcycles with power higher than that limit, however, an extra sum will have to be added for each additional kW. Furthermore, mopeds up to 50 cc are exempt from this tax. On these vehicles it will be necessary to pay only a circulation tax – which varies from region to region – only in case of use of the vehicle.

But which other categories of motorcycles and people are exempt from paying the motorcycle stamp? Here’s what you need to know about this topic.

Who can afford not to pay the motorcycle tax? Here’s everything you need to know about it

As with car tax, also in the case of motorcycles there are a whole series of categories, wholly or in part, exempt from paying this regional tax. Who can afford the “luxury” of not paying this sum annually? Here’s everything you need to know.

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Motorcycle exemption stamp
Motorcycle stamp: here are all the categories exempt from paying this tax – Motori.News

As with cars, all persons with disabilities or anyone dependent on them will be exempt from paying the motorcycle tax. This is what Law 104 provides on the subject. Furthermore, if your motorbike has historical value, i.e. if it has exceeded 30 years of life, then you can be exempt from paying the tax.

In the event that, on the other hand, the motorized two-wheeler has aaged between 20 and 29, then the stamp duty will be reduced by 50%. In a nutshell, the more your bike has been around for so many years, the lower (or nothing) the amount to be paid will be.

Even motorcycles in charge of the police or other categories, such as, for example, the civil protection, will be exempt from paying the stamp duty. Obviously, no one will be able to use this motorcycle for private purposes. In that case, the fines will be very severe.

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Bollo – Motors.News

We close with a technical information. All persons who cannot benefit from the exemption will have to pay the motorcycle stamp duty by and no later than the last day of the month following the expiry date.