The Highway Code provides for specific legislation for motorcyclists. In many cases, in fact, the helmet will not be the only mandatory protection to wear. It also becomes necessary to wear other adequate and specific protections inherent in technical clothing. But who has to put other elements besides the helmet? Here’s everything you need to know to avoid heavy fines and to protect yourself as much as possible from road risks!

In our country there are many people who travel on two wheels every day. Everyone is required to wear a protective helmet while driving the motorized vehicle. Not only the riders of the motorbikes, but also the passengers on board are required to wear a helmet.
Anyone caught without a helmet on a moving motorcycle risks a severe fine of between 80 and 323 euros. If the passenger without a helmet turns out to be a minor, the person who pays the consequences is the two-wheeled vehicle driver.
In our country they are over 7 million motorcycles regularly registered. A truly impressive number, testifying to how much motorcycles are used on the roads of the Belpaese. Unfortunately, there are also many road accidents – fatal in the worst cases – involving motorcyclists.
Always wearing a helmet can often save the life of those aboard the motorized two-wheeler. But do you know that the helmet is not the only mandatory protection to wear in some cases? Who is also required to wear special technical clothing? Here’s everything you need to know about it!
Here’s what you are obliged to wear on a motorcycle: the Highway Code has changed!
There is one detail bill – that number 1720 of 2010 – which obliges motorcyclists to wear not only a protective helmet, but also a specific one technical clothing. However, not everyone is required to comply with this rule. Who, on the other hand, can’t do without it? Here are all the details on this rule of the Highway Code!

For small-engined motorcycles with power up to 11 kW, the helmet is the only protection made compulsory by the Highway Code. In this case, in fact, wearing technical clothing is not mandatory. However, nothing prevents you from wearing it for greater protection. And for motorcycles with power exceeding 11 kW?
For motorcycles with power included between the 11 kW and the 25 kWhowever, there is an obligation to put not only the full helmet, but also specific technical clothing. We refer to protective gloves for the hands and a special one technical jacket with full back protector and rigid protectors for elbows and shoulders.
The same thing applies to motorcycles with power between 25 kW and 52 kW. In the end, for motorcycles with power exceeding 52 kW there are also other mandatory elements to wear, inherent to this specific technical clothing. In fact, in addition to the full-face helmet, gloves and technical jacket, it is also mandatory to equip yourself with another element!

We are referring to technical trousers with special rigid protections for the knees and hips. Also, you will need to wear some boots with non-slip soles and in breathable fabric that is resistant to rain and humidity.
Road safety, therefore, is put in first place by the Highway Code also with regard to motorcyclists. It becomes very important to respect these rules established by the road law, in order to avoid serious consequences in the event of a fall or other road accident.