Some maneuvers in the car are not allowed, indeed they are strictly forbidden. We are often aware of this but underestimate what the consequences may be, especially in the presence of a roadblock.

Anything can happen at the roadblock, especially if the rules and prohibitions imposed by the highway code are not respected that endanger not only themselves, but also all other motorists or pedestrians.
It may happen that a single maneuver corresponds not only to a violation, but even to two or three, for example when overtaking. Remember to follow all the rules carefully, always, even if no one does it because everyone is in a hurry or because you don’t have much patience. Not surprisingly over the past few years accidents have increased dramatically.
Behavior contrary to the law can cause serious consequences
However, the rules exist and must be respected also because if they have been established and defined, because behaviors contrary to those required could be a problem and could have very serious consequences, especially in the event of accidents.
Travel in the opposite direction to that intended on a one-way street, it is not only a violation of the rules of the road, but a dangerous behavior, especially if it is done on highways or on the ring road.

What happens if you are caught at the roadblock while breaking a rule of the road
Overtaking where there is a solid or even double line is considered driving in the wrong direction, the severity of the two behaviors is the same. In case of checks at the checkpoint, it could end very badly. The Court of Cassation, considering such an event, clarified that if a motorist travels in the wrong direction, due to the violation of article 143 paragraph 11 of the highway code, at the roadblock can be sanctioned with a fine ranging from € 167 to € 666. The driver who overtakes a car along a road that has a continuous and double stripe, going to occupy the left lane, committed double infringement in a single maneuver.
This is because it overtakes in the wrong direction, therefore it violates article 146 paragraph 2 and article 143 paragraph 1. The first indicates compliance with the indication of the continuous longitudinal strip signs where overtaking is prohibited, the second instead indicates the occupation of a lane reserved for a specific direction of travel. At the checkpoint it is advisable not to fight back if you do not want to have further problems, which greatly aggravate the situation.