A new trial has provided traffic policemen with technological goggles to track down anyone breaking the Highway Code. Here’s how they work.

Law enforcement agencies are always looking for innovative methods to catch the scoundrels who break the rules of the Traffic Laws. A new trial in Tuscany, in Arezzo, will provide one local police force latest generation technological tool which will allow them to notify a fine practically in real time.
The goal is to speed up the lifting of penalties and in the meantime streamline paperwork of the municipal administration which, sometimes, can suffer from delays in delivering the fine to those who have committed the offense within the set times.
They are called LaB Glass and, in detail, let’s talk about eyewear that will allow agents to discover remotely if the car and the driver they are observing are in compliance with all the payments required by law, from road tax to insurance, up to other data that are usually requested by a checkpoint.
Goodbye checkpoint: now the policemen just need technological glasses
The Municipal Police has seized the opportunity to exploit the wonders of the latest generation to provide its agents with a tool that will certainly be useful for finding those who are not in compliance with the documents.

But cHow specifically these glasses work and how do they know if we are in good standing? Quite simply, the lens of these hi-tech accessories is equipped with a plate reader which in turn communicates the detected data to a smartphone and proportionally projects a 50-inch monitor into the eyes of the wearer.
In a scenario that seems born out of a cyberpunk science fiction film like Blade Runner, within a few seconds the policeman will be able to have all the information they need to evaluate that the user is in good standing: payment of car tax, insurance, inspection deadlines, coupon or even fines that have not yet been paid.
This will give agents the power to impose a fine immediately for checks that aim to be more effective and precise: in this way, the municipal administration will be relieved of the payment of the 12 euros expected on average to notify a fine at home.
Thanks to this system, however, everything will be done digitally and will be sent in electronic format to the user via certified e-mail or to the digital identity system, which we all have to some extent by now.

There is not only a function linked to the imposition of fines and sanctions, but the glasses also aim to be useful in the event of car accident. In fact, in the unfortunate event that an accident occurs, thanks to the glasses it will be possible to take advantage of the geolocation functions integrated in smartphones to report the accident and start a small reconstruction of the facts.