Retirees are at the center of the new changes to the highway code and the rules designed to guarantee the safety of all those who circulate on Italian roads whether by car, motorbike, bicycle or even pedestrian.

Many retirees drive cars even though we have reached the age of 80, which can become quite problematic and worrying over time.
As for the B license, renewal is mandatory every 10 years up to the age of 50, every five years between 50 and 70. Then between the ages of 70 and 80 it should be done every threewhile after 80 every two years.
Retired 80-year-olds, here’s what they risk with the modification of the highway code
Precisely the latter age group or 80-year-old retirees, was the protagonist of a reform of the highway code that was needed and according to many was now necessary, indispensable.
Today, octogenarians and novice drivers are placed on the same level. If the changes to the highway code were to go through, those over 80 could no longer be able to drive some specific cars, for example those with horsepower greater than 55 kW with a maximum ceiling of 70 kW.
The objective of the Italian Government is reduce accidents involving the over 80s, as well as those involving novice drivers. According to statistics, most of the accidents involve the elderly and young people who have just obtained their driving licence.

Modification of the highway code, what changes for a specific age group of licences
There modification of the highway code is in the studio, but will most likely become a reality shortly, perhaps at the beginning of the new year, in January, a month that represents many news and evolutions that are not always positive. Among these is the increase in the price of fines.
The moment it is an over eighty year old manages to renew his driving licence before a local medical commission, there is little to do, all that remains is to submit the 80-year-old to a visit from the ASL doctor and trigger the power limit.
There is also discussion of bringing forward the renewal or after turning 80, the renewal could become annual and no longer biennial. After a certain age, everything changes. Reflexes change, sight, hearing, perception change.
Driving any car, a small utility vehicle can be a risk, but driving a powerful car is certainly more so. The same thing goes for novice drivers who often fail to understand how serious one maneuver or action can be rather than another. The highway code aims at make everyone responsible who knows that sooner or later it won’t succeed.