The priority on roundabouts is a divisive issue, because there are those who are informed and respect the rules imposed by the highway code, those who do not respect them regardless and those who do not know them at all despite being in possession of a driving license.

Still, abide by the rules they govern crossing the roundabout it is important both for security reasons and not to risk getting staggering fines, which can even leave you without salary.
Roundabouts have increased over the course of these last few years and slowly they have taken the place of traffic lights and stops. The goal is to increase road safety especially in some particularly dangerous stretches of road, in order to try to reduce the number of accidents which apparently instead goes to increase every year.
Priority on roundabouts, which is why they are more useful than traffic lights
The roundabout should compel motorists to reduce speed, thus protecting both drivers, motorcyclists, cyclists, cars and pedestrians. You have to carefully respect the highway code for several reasons, yet in Italy there are few who comply with the rules and respect the priority on roundabouts.
Unlike the traffic lights, the roundabout does not impose the obligation on motorists to stop, slowing down, each vehicle simply analyzes the situation and evaluates what to do based on the rules and the context. The European Commission is pushing more and more on the creation of roundabouts a bit everywhere also for decrease road pollution because a vehicle stopped for several minutes at the traffic lights or at the stop sign, being on, pollutes a lot.

What is the risk if the rules of the highway code are not respected
The situation, on the other hand, is under control when you are at the roundabout, where the traffic is able to flow out much faster. Those who do not respect the right of way on roundabouts should know that they risk very high fines. For this type of infringement, the fines envisaged range from 160 to € 700 with the deduction of 5 points from the driving license. In case of recidivism, the document can even be suspended. Everything becomes even more serious and serious for new drivers who risk losing their driving license because in their case the points that are reduced are worth double.
All this happens in particular in the road sections there are controls with cameras installed for example on roundabouts, or in neighboring areas, which manage to nail all those who do not respect the rules of the road, and unfortunately there are many.