Residents of the area have repeatedly warned of the danger. But no one respects the rules, not even the Ama trucks and the municipality doesn’t answer to anyone.

The bike paths are not safe. Indeed, the graph prepared by the Mobility Commission highlights several questions. In addition to the serious problems that citizens themselves often complain about due to the reduction of carriageways and inherent parking, the widespread discomfort for the safety of cyclists, pedestrians and people with disabilities is highlighted.
Dangers in the streets of Rome
Uncontrolled infractions and deadly crossings along Via Prati Fiscali, as well as serious problems with the cycle path that stretches between via Salaria and piazzale Jonio. These are the main hazards on one of the busiest thoroughfares in 3rd City Hall. Shortly after the entrance to the Salaria is the first point with a high percentage of accidents, as evidenced by the concentration of three small altars with writings, candles and flowers within 100 metres.
The traffic light at number 295 it was installed for that very reason, he said Antonio Comito, city councilor, “25 years ago, after a car tried to overtake a pedestrian and killed a person crossing the road, this action was taken,” he said. But traffic lights alone were not enough. At the end of August 2020, a 41-year-old man was run over near Largo Valtournenche.
A very dangerous cycle path
To this is added a cycle path, consisting of a yellow stripe painted on the asphalt, where cyclists pedal alongside vehicles. Citizens say it is a very dangerous track, where very few bikes are seen passing, just 3 or 4 during the weekends.

The road is often blocked due to traffic, with several bus stops and trucks having to drive along it many times for loading and unloading goods. Also, private cars can be parked anywhere, which is unfortunately often the case in the capital.
Comito suggests: “It would be safer to move the cycle lane to the center of the lanes, in the green area which also acts as a traffic divider, so that cars and motorcycles can coexist separately from bicycles.” And to appeal to the municipality, he circulated a petition which he collected between 400 and 500 signatures.
Continued infractions without controls
A separate topic deserves theextension of via dei Prati Fiscali where is it enter via Antonio Silvani, via Dei Prati Fiscali Vecchia and via Caviglia. This point has a kind of side lane that regulates the intersection. Vehicles park on bends, enter and exit against traffic, they double park or park on the curb.
Just wait in place for 5 minutes to watch several cars going the wrong way, although sometimes a local police car is also present.

The asphalt in the area has been completely redone, but one would also be needed traffic magazine, but there was no response from the municipality. Exasperated residents report that garbage trucks are also committing violations.
The article Too many victims on this cycle path, no one respects the rules: a sea of sanctions is coming from Motori News.