The inevitable triangle to signal a broken down car will soon be replaced in a European country: here’s what it will be replaced by

If at least once in your life you have had to stop your car on the side of the road, due to a breakdown or other type of emergency, you will certainly have used the appropriate warning triangle, to be placed about 50 meters from your car.
One thing that still puts the driver at risk who is forced to get out of the car, walk a few meters to fix the signal with all the dangers that could ensueespecially on high-speed roads.
It is no coincidence then that in Spain have thought of modifying this aspect which is also regulated by our highway code. Moreover, in the Iberian country they have registered well 42 accidental deaths of motorists got off the car to position the triangle at the right distance. The data refers to the two-year period 2018-2020.
For this reason, an interesting novelty is on its way which will be active shortly and which, if it is successful, could also be imitated by other countries, including Italy. Let’s see what it is.
Warning triangle goodbye in Spain: here’s what will be replaced by
Before talking about the novelty, let’s make a further clarification: if in our country it is necessary to position the triangle about 50 meters before the machine, in Spain you have to do the same thing in front too. For this the greatest danger for our Iberian “colleagues”.

So, the Spanish government has well thought of introducing a new law that will effectively eliminate the traditional triangle. What will it be replaced by? From a more effective, at least hopefully, flashing orange light to be placed on the roof of the car.
The advantage given by this solution is that first of all it does not force the user to get out of the car, especially in dangerous areas, and secondly it is a much better visible object compared to the classic triangle.
As always happens with big changes, there will be time for Spanish motorists to conform to the novelty given that until 31 December 2025 they will be free to choose between both signaling systems, although the use of light will be strongly recommended.
The cool thing about these flashing orange lights is that they will be equipped with GPS tracker with SIM card which will send the vehicle’s activity and precise position to the roadside assistance.

As mentioned, the initiative currently only concerns Spain but, if it were to be successful, it is said that it cannot expand to other European countries as well. Including Italy.
After all, the danger factor deriving from the installation of the triangle also applies to us and having a valid and less risky alternative would certainly make all motorists happy. Meanwhile, let’s see how it goes in Spain.