Driving without wearing a seat belt is not only illegal, but it puts your own safety at risk and secondly also your wallet, because the fines in this case are quite high.

The use of seat belts is mandatory, according to article 172 of the highway code. Someone today does everything possible not to wear it, because it is uncomfortable or because it wastes time and if you are in a hurry an extra minute makes all the difference.
However, we must know that those who do not respect the law are fined and also suffer the deduction of points from the licence.
The consequences for those who do not wear a belt and are caught in these conditions at a police check
If the fined person is an expert driver who has therefore had a driving license for more than 3 years, the fine ranges from €83 to €323with the deduction of 5 points from the licence.
If, on the other hand, it is a novice driver who is sanctioned who is driving without a seat belt, the consequences are much more severe. The fine is the same for all motorists, while 10 points are deducted from the license for the novice driver.
All adults present in the vehicle must wear a seat beltif the driver wears a seat belt and the passenger or passengers do not, it is the latter who have to pay the fine.
If, on the other hand, a minor is not wearing the seat belt, the driver must pay the fine for him, because it is his duty to make sure that all passengers comply with the rules of the highway code.
All children under 1.50m they must be seated on the seat suitable for their weight and approved.

What happens if you commit the same offense twice in 2 years
Anyone who is fined twice for driving a vehicle, whatever it is, without wearing a seat belt in a period of just two years, triggers a repeat offense for which in addition to the fine and the deduction of points from the licence the document is suspended.
The suspension of the license in this case has a duration ranging from 15 days to 2 months. The fine also comes if at the checkpoint you are surprised with the belt passing around your waist, therefore used incorrectly.
In this case you risk a fine ranging from €40 to €162. The only ones who are not required to wear a seat belt are those who drive waste transport vehicles, driving instructors, passengers of m2 and m3 vehicles.
Municipal police, firefighters, the armed forces or in the health service are also exempt. Finally, people suffering from pathologies or in particular physical conditions are exempt, as long as in possession of the ASL exemption.