Speed cameras are a threat to all motorists in Italy and around the world, even for those who generally drive their vehicles in full compliance with the rules of the highway code.

We are all somewhat afraid of not realizing the existence of a speed limit, a ban on access, the traffic light that suddenly turns yellowso we’re all afraid of committing an unintentional trespass and getting caught by a nearby speed camera.
It must be said that anyone can make a mistake even if they don’t want to, even simply due to distraction or lack of attention, Unfortunately, however, there are no excuses.
The rules exist because they must be respected both to ensure correct circulation and circulation in total safety.
Sanctions for non-compliance with the rules of the highway code
Anyone who does not respect the rules is sanctioned either by the patrol present who witnessed the infringement or by thespeed cameras that do not miss anything. Those who are immortalized by the speed camera receive very high fines directly at home which they are then forced to pay.
At least once in a lifetime it happened to having come across the dreaded speed camera. Sometimes you realize in time that you quickly decelerate to reach, for example, the established speed. Other times not.
For all these reasons, you must always open your eyes and pay extreme attention because speed cameras today they are practically installed everywhere, the new ones see everything.
So even without the presence of the agent, the fixed speed cameras installed inside the city resume the violations committed and punish them with fines.
If you receive fines, check before paying if the speed camera was correctly signaled at least 80 meters before. Otherwise it is good to know that the fine is not valid and therefore cannot and must not be paid.

What is useful to know, when the speed camera fine is not valid
This detail is an important detail that we all should know in order to be able to defend ourselves. For example, it may be useful to know that if the speed cameras have to be placed on board the service car, this one to be in order it must have the flashing lights on.
Finally follows the obligation to ask for authorization from the Municipalities, which is not necessary for the streets suburban roads, motorways and expressways where the presence of the speed camera is essential.
Signs must be positioned either to the right or to the left at a distance of 150 meters from the appliance. These manage to pick up any error and to punish those who do not respect the rules at any time of the day or night.