Carrying this unexpected accessory on board your car can cost you dearly: fines can reach as much as 2000 euros.

For the series “things you didn’t know and that it’s better to know instead” we are talking about a common accessory that can be found in different cars, especially among those who love the customization inspired by racing from movies like The Fast and The Furious.
We would like to underline that of course it’s not a joke: now we’re going to see what it is, but we anticipate that if you get caught with this object mounted on your car you risk a fine which it can go up to 2000 euros.
Given the lean times we live in, it would therefore be good to avoid putting up with a fine of this kind, which would weigh heavily on the pockets of any citizen who is not wealthy. So, watch out and let’s see what we don’t have to bring in the car, subject to authorization.
The accessory that you cannot take in the car or it will cost you dearly
We are referring specifically to an accessory that can be mounted at the level of the headlights, therefore on the outside of the car: exactly, we are talking about the legendary LEDsa bit “tamarri”, which distinguish the illegal races of the film saga we have mentioned.

It should be specified that mount additional LEDs to your car is not illegal per se, but specific authorizations must be provided to avoid incurring penalties.
Above all, it must be remembered that the law provides for the possibility of mounting these LEDs only at exhibition purposes and therefore you certainly cannot go around, at least in theory, showing off lights and fairy lights as if you were a Christmas tree on four wheels.
Checkpoints check these kinds of details very carefully: both to verify that i conventional car headlights work perfectly, and to make sure that there is nothing additional that goes beyond the rules.
In that case know that an LED placed in the lower part of the car it can cost you dearly and we are certainly not referring to the cost of the accessory which, please, can still be important.

However, you would end up violating the articles 71 and 72 of the Highway Code which would give you the “right” to receive a fine which can start from one more than 400 euros up to an amount capable of touching, hold on tight, i 2000 euros.
In short, everyone likes LEDs, more or less, and no one should tell us to what extent we should be able to customize the car we bought with money and sacrifices.
However, the law does not allow this kind of discussion and if you really want to embellish your car with a modification of this type, you would do well to do so only after having requested the necessary authorizations and having exhibited everything in the places suitable for the purpose.