Maintaining alloy wheels is not an easy task: however, a few products can be enough to keep them perfectly clean.

If you are a fan of refined design we are sure that you have enriched your car with a nice set of alloy wheelswith which to further highlight the elegance or sportiness of your car.
Being a particular material, however, it is necessary that they are kept with more care I respect conventional rims: for this reason, the ideal would be to clean them at least once a week and do it with specific products that don’t allow them to be damaged.
Don’t worry though because for their maintenance it is not necessary to spend who knows how much money because it would be enough for you to buy this one productwhich costs very little and allows you to make them shine like new.
The surprising 2 euro product for cleaning alloy wheels
Why do we call it an amazing product? For the simple reason that in reality it is not something designed for cleaning the car but which, at least in theory, is ideal for the correct maintenance of the barbecue, the oven and other similar appliances.

Yes, let’s talk about one baking foam which is useful for scraping the inside of this appliance from the grease and other accumulated dirt: precisely for his aggressive actionbut which does not damage the material with which the alloy wheels are made, it is perfect for cleaning them.
Just be careful: in the case of the oven, it should be left to act for about 10 minutes before removing it with a damp cloth. In the case of the alloy wheel, on the other hand, precisely to avoid damage to the surface it is cIt is advisable to reduce the waiting time to 5 minutes. Alternatively, the risk is to end up with stains that are then difficult to remove.
A further suggestion that we give you concerns the type of rims on which it would be better to spray this foam: avoid doing it if they are made with a unusual materialwhich may have been painted or made with particular products.
The foam must be accompanied by a movable bristle brushwhich allows us to rub the surface to remove stubborn dirt without the fear that it will leave scratches and thus ruin the work.

Why do we recommend using this product? First of all because it is easily and cheaply found even in the supermarket: secondly because on the market it is possible to choose between different types of products dedicated to cleaning alloy wheels.
The problem is that, in addition to spending more, you should find the ones that really fit your rimsto avoid damaging them or doing an unsatisfactory job in terms of cleaning.
In short, if you want to make a good impression with your fantastic alloy wheels, always remember to clean them regularly and, to save money, help yourself with this incredible but effective baked product.