The speed camera is one of the devices most hated by Italian motorists, because it is present on any road, main extra-urban, secondary, urban, always ready to detect the speed and excess speed of both motorcycles and cars.

As soon as the speed cameras they take the photo and detect an excess of speed, whatever it is, whoever exceeds the limit receives a fine directly at home. Two months can pass, the fine comes regardless.
Motorists over the years they tried to find the valid remedythe trick studied ad hoc, to avoid getting fines suddenly, when no one expects it.
What all naive drivers do
The only trick, which anyone puts into practice and which allows you to avoid speed cameras, saving a lot of money if all goes wellis emergency braking.
Everyone does it, as soon as they realize that there is a speed camera just a few meters away, they nail it without thinking about what the consequences may be. Vehicles behind sometimes they don’t realize in time.
What you risk is causing chain accidents, so although it may be a widespread trick, it is very dangerous and should never be put into practice.

Speed limits, this is the trick that works, without causing damage
Meanwhile, speed limits should always be respected for safety reasons. For the uninitiated, the speed limits are 50 km per hour in inhabited urban centres, 110 km per hour on extra-urban roads, 90 on secondary roads and 130 on the motorway.
As for new drivers, they not only risk fines but also lose points. In this case the points you lose they are double compared to those who have had a driving license for at least 3 years.
But be careful, those who are looking for the valid trick to evade the speed camera can try the following trick, which works 100%. Compared to the previous one, which was not very secure, this one is certainly smarter and less risky.
If you are in a hurry and you just can not respect the limit imposed by signsyou can try to accelerate a little always maintaining high safety conditions, not exceeding the limit of more than 10 km/hour.
This limit is recommended because it allows you to fall within the tolerance range established by the highway code, so you can’t get fines. Otherwise, the fine can be questionedand why not in order. All you need to do is appeal and wait for the deadlines.